
He majored in Gorgonzology

Over a tower of Newcastle at the Great Lost Bear on Saturday night, I challenge Jill to name 15 Division I schools in Texas (isn't that what most couples do at bars?). She struggles after three or four, so I start giving her clues. For instance:

My cousin-in-law, Dave, went there.
It's in Houston.
It's named after food.

Jill's face lights up as she finishes a sip of beer. "Cheese?"

It's that time of year. Cheese U. faces Indiana University Purdue University at Southeastern Elkhart County in tonight's play-in game, and the real madness begins at noon on Thursday.

If you want to get in my pool and haven't gotten an email from me, send one to my gmail account and I'll get you a bracket and the rules. I'm hoping for 50+ people at $10 an entry, so there's good money to win.


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