
More Birthdays

I'm now convinced that Jill's friends and family average about 2.6 birthdays/person/year, well above the national average of 1. This weekend was highlighted by Linda's birthday party on Friday, Dan's birthday party on Saturday, and hours of watching Noah, whose third birthday party this weekend will be the most extravagant of them all. Yesterday marked the second anniversary of my first day at the Library, which happens to be the day I met Jill. Weekends spent lying on the couch with the cats, watching Sportscenter and '90's sitcom reruns and waiting for Eric to come home so that we could both watch Sportscenter and '90's sitcom reruns seem more than two years in the past.

Meagan has graciously informed me that Brendan Harris has been called back up to the majors for his first stint with the Nationals. Weekends spent playing, umpiring, and watching little league games on a field christened by a living legend (with a career .180 average) seem more than 13 years in the past.

This weekend's movie viewing was way down, as only Notorious and Dr. Strangelove made their way into the DVD player. The prospect of the end of the world brought upon by bloodthirsty American cowboys seems less than 41 years in the past.


At 11:45 AM, Blogger njm said...

why was i not informed of the Harris watch?

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of birthdays...did you know you wrote that blog on Aunt Susan's 50th birthday? mgo

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Bryan said...

I did know that. Sadly, my 25-year-old memory doesn't have the same birthday database that my 23-year-old memory had, so I stopped doing birthday shout-outs a few months ago. My friends and family don't celebrate birthdays quite like Jeffreys do.


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