I'm so exhausted, physically and mentally, that I initially spelled it "Exhaustian" above. Sounds like the ruler of some failed empire that got swallowed up by Greece or Rome before it could impose its reign of mild bestiality and required casual Fridays on the world. "All hail Exhaustian! He's the best we've got!"
Anyway, my laundry list these days includes:
-waiting to hear back about a job offer I was supposed to get yesterday
-trudging through a job I can no longer stomach without the luxury of having given my notice
-trying to sell a house whose only responsible owner is in China
-waiting to hear back from realtors I plan to interview about the sale of said house
-trying to find a place to live alone in Portland in September and how to furnish it
-thinking about where to live with Jill in October and how we're going to pay for it if said house hasn't sold
-making regular four-hour round-trips on weekdays in attempt to accomplish the two items above
-tracking down the credit card I lost in my last trip to Maine
-keeping all of the above from my employer for fear that the whole thing falls through and I have to stay at my current awful job for a while
-knowing that I have almost no vacation time since I just took a two-week honeymoon in May
-physical exhaustion from the return of tennis to my life (hard courts never left me this sore when I was 18) and yesterday's parking lot football game at work
-"cooking" for myself, keeping the house clean for potential buyers, and sleeping alone every night for an unprecedented 17 days
-trying to refinance an auto loan in an era of high interest rates
-accepting the fact that the Y*****s are heavy favorites to win the World Series, while the few healthy Red Sox pitchers, even Jonathan Papelbon (my RoY, MVP, and Cy Young pick until this week) and third-through-fifth string catchers can't get anyone out anymore
-actual laundry
loosing a credit card in Maine, I would define THAT irresponsible!
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