After more insulating yesterday, I spent a snowy Sunday trudging around eastern Massachusetts looking at used cars- an Accord in Waltham at 9, an Altima in Malden at 10, and a Lexus ES300 in South Boston at 11. I liked all the cars, basically in proportion to their prices, so the details of the loan will ultimately determine my driving fate.
What I learned for certain today was that I'll be wearing a Tommy Hilfiger tux with a gray vest and bowtie on April 28, and that my groomsmen will wear the same tux with a black vest and necktie.
Despite the Steelers win, I hope to see today's Indianapolis-Pittsburgh game on ESPN Classic a few times just to relive the incredible turns in the last few minutes. In case I don't, the following things happened:
-Pittsburgh went up 21-3 in the 4th and picked off Manning to seal the game with under 5 minutes left, but the interception call was (incorrectly) overturned, giving the Colts a chance to score two quick touchdowns, with a two-point conversion after the second.
-Pittsburgh recovered on downs at Indy's two yard line with a minute and a half left, once again sealing the victory, before Jerome Bettis fumbled on first down and the Colts would have run it back for a touchdown if not for Ben Roethlisberger's tackle from his back around the 45.
-Peyton Manning tried to score a touchdown twice on second and third and two, instead of getting a first down and making for an easier field goal for Mike Vanderjagt (the best kicker in NFL history), who ended up missing a 46-yarder to tie the game.
The officiating may not have been as bad as yesterday's Pats-Broncos game (which the Pats wouldn't have won even if the refs got over 40% of the obvious calls right), but I did learn this weekend that terrible officiating makes for more entertaining football.