Great albums that would be even greater if not for one awful song:
Otis Redding's "Otis Blue" if not for "Satisfaction"
Al Green's "I'm Still in Love With You" if not for "Oh! Pretty Woman"
Bob Dylan's "Blonde on Blonde" if not for "Rainy Day Women #12&35"
The Beatles "Revolver" if not for "Yellow Submarine"
I bought an alarm clock on eBay today. The image of married life in my head always inculded two alarm clocks. I'm finally making that happen. Score.
Good Friday... not half Bad.
I wasted 24 years of my life not eating soy sauce and I want them back. The same goes for chunky blue (bleu?) (blew?) cheese.
My distaste for Salim Stoudamire grows daily.
In 2010, will the entire NBA be named Stoudamire or Dee Brown?
One sentence paragraphs- they're not just for Ken Tingley anymore.